"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

DUBLIN // To Do: Guinness Storehouse

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My dad grew up in Dublin and my mom grew up about an hour south of the city. I've grown up going there to see my family. Because of this, I don't tend to do a lot of sightseeing anymore when I'm there. But bringing my Californian friend to Dublin from Paris seemed like a good opportunity to do a lot of things I'd meant to do for years.

First up was the Guinness Storehouse. The tour begins on the ground level and you work your way up. You first learn about barley, which is one of the fundamental ingredients of Guinness, and about the history of the company, which was started by Arthur Guinness in 1759. Arthur signed a 9,000 year lease with St. James's Gate, which is where the brewery is located. Thus, we'll never see it move to another location in our lifetime!

The tour is quite interactive, with exhibits ranging from old advertisements to the proper way to taste Guinness to pouring your own pint! The highlight is at the end, when you can visit the Gravity Bar, a top floor all-glass bar with 360 degree views of the city. This is where you can redeem your voucher for a free pint, which is included with the ticket price. This tour was something I had wanted to do since I turned 18. I think you can do it if you're younger, but you won't get to try any Guinness, obviously. The whole tour is very reminiscent of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory - you feel like you're being let in on some pretty cool secrets. It's a self-guided tour so you go at your own pace. There are a few cafes inside, and I recommend eating something before going up to the bar!

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St James's Gate Dublin 8, Ireland
Phone: + 353 1 408 4800

The Storehouse is open seven days a week from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, with the final admission at 5 pm. The most updated information and ticket info can be found here.

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