"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

STUDY ABROAD // Diary Excerpts

An unedited peek at what my life was like all those months ago!

15th February, 2014

Paris, what a place. Life here is full of good food and crazy metro rides and lots of wine and a million photographs. 6 weeks later it's hard to believe this experience is actually happening, that what I dreamed about is really my life. Do I ever have to go home?

This evening I met up with Cole, Lacye, Sabrina and Aya at Aya's metro stop so we could go to Sacre Coeur. It's at the highest point of the city but somehow we managed to walk the exact opposite way. The area seemed kind of sketchy but miraculously we managed to avoid all creepers all evening. The church is gorgeous. When we'd been there about 15 minutes took a bunch of photos, and then walked inside we went back out and it started to POUR! Like, heavy, heavy rain. No Sacre Coeur at sunset for us! We went back inside and waited until Magda got there. Then we went to the Pink Flamingo, which has a location in the Marais as well. It a little more expensive at this location, but that makes sense. I got a Dante pizza and a Corona.

Being able to drink here seems so... normal. I guess it is better to get used to the culture of it here and then nothing will change. It's just much more relaxed here, and I honestly prefer it this way - it's a casual part of the culture but people don't spend hours talking about it. I guess with my birthday coming up in less than 3 weeks I'll be legal to drink in the States and alcohol won't be much of a thought anymore. Weird.

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