"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

DORM ROOM WORKOUT: 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Last night I was browsing the internet, as I am prone to do, and I discovered a 30 day yoga challenge done through YouTube videos on a channel called Yoga with Adriene. I'm in the early stages of training to run a half marathon (!) and I thought that this challenge would be the perfect complement to that. I thought about waiting until February 1st, but then I realized if I started today, I would already be on day four by February first. Thus, my choice was made!

This afternoon I watched the quick intro video on a homework break and on a longer homework break I pulled up the actual yoga video. The challenge started on January 1st, so most of the videos are up already, but you can start any time. I rolled up my rug, set up my yoga mat (you could use a towel if you don't have one though) and began!

A few observations:

- I've done a lot of Bikram Yoga, but not much else. I spent a lot of time looking at the video in order to get the right posing. This meant I needed to move my laptop from my chair, where I had it while sitting, to my desk for the standing poses, to the floor for the lying down poses. If you're more familiar with the poses, this might not be an issue for you. Ideally you'd hook up your laptop to a TV to avoid this altogether, but I don't have a TV.
- I needed to close the blinds halfway through because the 22-floor dorm building next to me could see me doing the on-all-fours cat/cow pose and I felt pretty awkward about it.
- I thought a 35 minute video would feel like forever but it went by pretty quickly. I felt encouraged by the video and excited to continue.
- I really, really need to work on my breathing!

I'm excited about this challenge because I want to develop a practice of yoga and I think committing to a period of time is the best way to do it. I'm planning to do my yoga in the morning right when I wake up so that I can get a good start to my day. I signed up for daily emails and received a pdf of an undated calendar that I've hung above my desk to serve as motivation.

If you want to join in, check out Yoga with Adriene! Like I said, I thought she was really encouraging and even though I'm virtually a beginner I didn't feel like it was too challenging. The intro video is below and you should let me know if you decide to join in on this; I would love to know someone's doing it with me!

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