"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

Fall 2014

You would not have been remiss in thinking that I'd abandoned this blog. I haven't posted since August, after all. Fortunately, I haven't abandoned it but rather just have been consumed with this whole "I am a senior in college" thing. I planned on going back and filling in all the posts I missed since August but then time just kept building up and I don't think that's a likely option at this point. Therefore, it'll be a rebirth instead.

I had major computer problems this semester and ended up having to spend an entire Saturday at the Apple Store, which resulted in a brand new hard drive and a new battery for my computer. Which is great because it means I have a like-new computer, but also awful because my entire hard drive got wiped, and I hadn't backed anything up. Therefore, I don't have any documents, music, or worst of all, photos. I had so many amazing photos from abroad that were never posted on Facebook, and they're lost forever. Yes, I am kind of mourning it. Luckily, many great photos are on Facebook, and I still have my memories. 

This semester has consisted of a series of ups and downs. Ups because it is great to be back at college after being abroad, and downs because there has been a lot of stress related to my computer and my classes and the whole "graduating in six months" thing. It has been great to reconnect with my friends and I have loved making new friends too. The stress of school has also been up and down. My classes are great, for the most part, even though I have 3 papers due every single week. I'm taking Journalism Ethics, Human Development, History Since 1500, Entrepreneurship, and writing my honors thesis. It's been very different to go from the constant adventuring of abroad and to instead be on the same campus for long stretches of time. I've realized that campus is kind of a bubble - one I love, but a bubble nonetheless.  

I've kept in contact with a few of my friends from abroad and that has been really good for me. It keeps me connected to Paris, because otherwise it feels like an entirely different life. Coming back was easy in practice, but difficult when it came to classes and homework. There were a few weeks at the beginning of school where I spent a lot of time missing my life in Paris and all my friends there. It's really easy to romanticize what life was like there. It was great, but it wasn't perfect. I had a crazy host mom and money problems and it could be hard to communicate, but I was so, so lucky to be there. I still miss it, but I've gotten used to being back. All this to say that the transition from being abroad to coming back to campus has been pretty easy in the day-to-day, but I do miss a lot of things about France.

I also really miss blogging! Through my entrepreneurship class I'm developing a financial literacy site for women in their 20s.  We've talked a lot about websites and blogs and it's made me want to get back into writing. So here I am. I haven't ditched this. I still have so much to say about my time abroad and great places to visit! Stay tuned.

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