"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

Oui, Je Vis

Yes, I am alive! It has been so long since I wrote a post here. I never intended to go this long without writing, but it is a testament to how much I am enjoying my time here. But I knew it was time to get back on when my friend from home texted me and said "Not to sound like a mother, but are you ever gonna write another blog post?" Yes, yes I am.

This week in Paris has been absolutely beautiful. The weather is so gorgeous and it is so nice to walk around outside. The sun doesn't set until 8:30 pm so that makes me extremely happy. It gets darker about two hours later here than at home, and I wish I could have this much daylight forever.

Since I last wrote, I have:

  • Been to Versailles
  • Hung out with college friends who were visiting Paris
  • Spent a weekend in London
  • Turned 21
  • Attended a French soccer football match
  • Stayed with family in Dublin
  • Picnicked on the Seine River
  • Wine tasted (twice)
  • Enjoyed the Louvre many times
  • Visited Sacre Coeur Basilica a few times
  • Visited Provence (Southern France)
  • Eaten a lot of croissants
  • Taken a million pictures

and a lot more! I am truly so happy. My next post is going to be about Versailles, so look out for that within the next few days :)

(The Eiffel Tower just turned 125 years old! Bonne Anniversaire!)

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