"The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page." - St. Augustine

Waiters in Paris Take Selfies Too

How is already February 9th? (Happy birthday, Dad!) I have been here for five weeks tomorrow. Absolutely insane.

This weekend my friend Michelle came to Paris with a bunch of her school friends because it was her 21st birthday. We went to a cafe Friday night and on Saturday we went to see St. Chapelle, a cathedral we'd learned about in our high school art history class, and a Cartier exhibit at the Grand Palais. It is a little crazy to think that I celebrated the 21st birthday of a girl I've known since I was 12 - in Paris, of all places. Study abroad is not real life but I am absolutely in love with it.

Michelle goes to school at the University of Edinburgh and her friends are from all over the place: London, Greece, Australia, the UK, etc. One of my favorite parts of my experience so far has been all the opportunities to spend time with groups of people from other countries. Whether it's the young adult group at church or dinners with new friends, I often find myself as the only American at the table and it is wonderful. Experiences like this have me more convinced each day that I want to live in Europe after I graduate.

Life here is not perfect - I have homework and awkward moments with my host mom and sometimes it rains which leaves me looking like a drowned rat when I get to class - but I am so, so thankful to be here. My friends are absolutely amazing. I was slightly worried that I wouldn't have good friends here, but my fears were completely unfounded. I am really grateful things are as good as they are.

I booked train tickets with two of my friends the other day - we will be traveling to Brussels and Amsterdam for the next two weekends! So much excitement ahead. Below are photos of my Parisian adventures with Michelle and the beautiful day in Paris. Paris, je t'aime.

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